Wednesday, July 13, 2011

hey god...cut me some slack

the last few days have been amazing, things with me and tina have been fantastic. things with me and tinas daughter are going well. got some really good auditions.....yeah im worried about money and how im gonna pay this fucking stupid bullshit traffic ticket i was tricked into....but life has been good. hanging out with my family and some really good friends....beach my roommate comes home and drops th bomb that in 6 months he may be gone....well fuck me...the one thing i was sure of was i could cover my half of the rent every month and i had a good stable roommate....i dont have a regular job...i have iffy credit....i cant move coz who the fuck would rent me a place? i know im overreacting...i know i can find another roommate....but fuck me can i just have one day where i dont have to worry about something?
i am completely in love...i mean i couldnt imagine spending my life with anyone else. between her and her kid i feel like i have a family for the first time since i was 16. my personal life is perfect. but of course the perfect storm of financial ass rape hit me and messed up the rest,,,,,,if i ever find the piece of shit who broke her lease and wrecked my house i will shoot her up the ass with a 32...yeah,,,buckwheats.... things to do in denver when your dead is a fucking amazing film. i just want some security is that so much to ask for? not to be a billionaire but just to work steadily enough doing the job i love. im not asking to be handed anything...just the opportunity to earn a living. im a very talented actor and writer. im really not egotistical...but i know what im good at and i just need the chance to prove myself. everyone out here wants to be an actor...everyone has a screenplay...but not everyone has my talent. not afraid to say im fucking good at these things. im shit at lots of things but acting....writing....identifying snakes...wrestling....these things im good at. i guess i should go to sleep...just having a mental freak out and needed to vent. thanks for listening....reading...whatever.... i need a fucking job.....i dont even want all this for myself....i want to take care of my family. thats what matters now.


  1. Focus all of those emotions into those auditions and you'll probably slay the competition. Keep fighting!

  2. I thought Tina got an apartment that was getting ready...Can't U guys move in together? I know things are hard professionally right now but I know your break is coming soon. Love, Ev. oxox

  3. yeah she does but moving in with someone who also has a 12 year old is a little more complicated. we will see where we are in a few months. i need my break to come today coz i really really need work haha
