Tuesday, July 5, 2011

grown up ass shit

so my girlfriend moved out here a couple weeks ago. her apartment isnt ready yet so shes been living with my roommate and i...her and her 2 dogs....and guinea pig...and turtle :) and this weekend we added her 12 year old daughter to our happy home. its amazing. sometimes she apologizes for taking up room and all that but i dont even think about it til she mentions it. i love it. i dont think she COULD ever impose on me. its a good and completely new feeling. usually i get sick of mother fuckers before they finish their opening sentence.....im actually spending my days looking after her kid. this kid is cool as shit. she likes bugs and snakes and all sorts of rad stuff....shes kinda like if i were a little girl....yeah i know tony i am a little girl...lets move on shall we. i guess the point is love should never be an imposition. when you realize that no matter what happens or what needs to be done or how big a pain in the ass something is it just doesnt bother you coz its for someone special. the kinda special that transcends friendship or family. doesnt matter what they need....you just do it with a smile. ok im a pussy....so what. never really felt this before and i like it. white picket fence here i come.
work has been slow...like maybe i need a real job slow....sometimes makes me wonder if im gonna make it here. i love it here. everything ive worked on i get nonstop compliments and people telling me how much im gonna work....then a month or two goes by without work and i start to wonder. i just need a real break. i need a character that doesnt die in his first episode. a movie that requires my presence for more than a day and pays actual union wages. as i get older i realize im not a kid anymore. i realize im wanting different things. comfort. family. a house. stability. financial stability more than anything. i used to not get that nervous feeling in my gut when the money started to dwindle...so what? im a punk! i can live in my car! not anymore. god so many dumb moves in my life...im paying for them now....i mean my life has been awesome....but time to realize i wont be young and awesome forever....ok i need to get the fuck off the computer and start making dinner...im a fantastic cook it turns out. real eye for presentation :0


  1. Great post man. You know it's someone special when you can put up with everything, the good the bad. You aim to please them no matter what. It's a wonderful feeling, I can proudly say I have that too.

    As for the rest....I def. feel you on that. I am a struggling Writer/Director, doing whatever I can to make it out here. It's a bitch, but gotta take it one day at a time and never stop. The hard work will pay off....good shit bro, take care.


  2. Reading posts in reverse order is like watching time fly backwards. Anyway, better to have the love than the work, tho' course everyone needs both. Hope the Adult Swim thing comes through -- I live in ATL, land of Ted Turner, and someone who worked at TBS before it went cable said once a week he'd have to help Ted jumpstart his '80 Datsun filled up to the seat level with beercans. Keep on keepin' on, Pat. You'll do it.
